Zuercher Suite
- Mapping
- Records
- Mobile
- Jail
- Civil
- Financial
- Administration
- Reporting
- Portal
N-DEx Adapter
With the Zuercher Suite N-DEx Adapter, participating local, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies can contribute data to the FBI's Nationa Data Exchange (N-DEx) system.
Main Jail Display
The main jail display shows the current inmate list, as well as key at-a-glance information such as alerts and upcoming releases.
Booking And Release Wizards
Wizards guide staff through the booking and release processes, ensuring that all required steps are completed. Administrators can manage hold and release reason options and specify which forms must be completed.
Automatic Sentence Calculation
Automatic sentence calculation saves time and ensures accuracy, with many configurable options such as good time and other reductions.
Cell Recommendation
Cell recommendations are based on a custom inmate classification form as well as factors such as cell capacity and gender.
Intake Feature
The Intake feature provides a way to perform visual medical screenings, quickly process large groups of inmates, or handle individuals unable to undergo the complete booking process.
RMS Integration
Streamline the data flow from case reporting to booking and minimize redundant data entry. Case arrest form data populates booking forms, and case narratives can be used to generate explanation of probable cause.
Integrated Camera Support
Integrated camera support allows agencies to operate the camera zoom, preview mug shots from the computer screen, and easily upload images.
Inmate Property Tracking and Accounts
Record transactions, monitor balances, and print receipts and summaries.
Integration with Zuercher Financial
Manage inmate expenses and billing through integration with Zuercher Financial.
Configurable History and Alert Forms
Medical history and inmate alert forms are agency-configurable, and key data is flagged on the main inmate screen.
Court Tracking
Ensure that inmates are magistrated on time, log court appearances, actions taken, sentencing data, and more.
Activity Scheduling and Logs
Track where inmates are--and need to be--at all times.
Visitor List
An inmate's visitor list displays an approved and denied visitors, and warns staff who attempt to log a contact with a denied visitor.
Jail Log
The Jail Log details the start and end time of each shift, which personnel were on duty, and events such as cell checks and staff or inmate movement.
Incident Log and Disciplinary Action
Forms provide thorough records of infractions that occurred and actions taken.
Trustee Work
Track inmate hours and credits.
Work Release
Log inmate hours and test/search results.
Victim Notification
Log attempts to contact victims and receive alerts of victims not yet notified of an inmate’s release.
Medicine Log
Record each inmate’s prescriptions, and generate a list of medications to be distributed during each med pass.
Digital Lineup
Users select characteristics and create custom digital lineups.
Why Choose Us?
With so many public safety software products on the market, you might find yourself wondering if there are anysubstantial differences among them.
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What To Know More?
- 1-877-229-2205
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Jail Features
Zuercher Jail brings integration, ease of use, and configurability to jail records management. It is designed for fast and easy inmate booking, efficient completion of routine tasks, and quick access to all the information needed to stay up-to-date on daily jail operations.
The software includes wizards to guide users through the booking and release processes, ensuring that all required steps are completed and all necessary forms are filled out. Automated sentence calculation, cell recommendation, and approved and denied visitor lists eliminate guesswork. Agency-configurable features such as inmate classification forms, medical history questionnaires, and inmate alerts allow agencies to collect required information in the right place, at the right time.
Zuercher Jail simplifies daily tasks such as scheduling inmate activities and contacts, dispensing medications, managing inmate bank and property, and tracking court events. It integrates seamlessly with Financial to manage the billing of inmate expenses. Shift logs and incident reports make it easy to document everything from routine cell checks to major behavioral incidents.
Zuercher Jail puts the information and tools users need at their fingertips. Glance at the main display for alerts such as multiple inmates with the same name or upcoming magistrate deadlines. Log victim notification attempts, make cell transfers, easily generate bond forms and probable cause forms, create digital lineups, and much more.
Zuercher Jail is N-DEx compliant. Find out more about N-DEx.
We’re getting real bang for the buck. Officers are only spending a fraction of the time they used to. There’s tons of little efficiencies and little details we get right. It all adds up to huge savings for the agency and ultimately the taxpayers of the city.
James Johns Captain
Rapid City Police Department
Rapid City, SD